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10 September, 2004

63 years ago, on 7 December 1941, Pearl Harbour was bombed. 38 years later, to the day, on 7 December 1979, a boy called Dan Jones was born in a small hospital in Montreal. Coincidence? I THINK NOT. We celebrated this joyous occasion (my birthday, not Pearl Harbour) by going out to eat at Haveli's Indian Restaurant, in the Byward Market. Afterwards we went bowling at the quintessential MacArthur Bowling Lanes.


welcome to haveli's!


it was a small crowd, but an enjoyable dinner.


it's so great to be 25!


hey, doesn't this guy live in gatineau or something?


i'm not exactly sure what's going on here.


the obligatory photo of
arash about to eat.


it's not just martin who can post photos like these.


tandoori chefs.
one of them is looking at me taking his picture.
the other one is telling him that they should
skewer me and cook me in vindaloo sauce.


heyvooning a present:
a glow-in-the-dark, made-to-scale 3-D puzzle
of the petronas towers in kuala lumpur.
meanwhile, rené looks on jealously.


welcome to cosmic bowling!


kam's always happy to come school y'all in bowling.


nays warns shameem before he
makes the mistake of taking a
bite on-camera.


andrew is the MASTER of the orb of power!
(I asked him to pose for this)


pre-game ambience.


kam's also happy to school y'all at arm-wrestling.


...but annali was the undisputed
women's arm-wrestling champion.
(and the undisputed one-on-one
arcade racing champion)


arm-wrestling aftermath.
(i'm probably gonna get beat for
posting this picture)


"Brian, is that an orb of power growing
on your shoulder?"
"No, that's just my mojo."


glowy bowling balls. who could ask for more?


tahirih getting ready for her first throw.


emilia and elham.






catherine (with bottle of water) and tahirih.




ben howden and sam benoit,
representin' sector 9.


an unidentified bowler taking a shot.


artsy shot #1 (sam's)


artsy shot #2 (sam's)


artsy shot #3 (sam's)


artsy shot #4 (mine)


artsy shot #5 (mine)


artsy shot #6 (mine)


artsy shot #7 (???)


the best photo in the universe.


catherine and natasha.


andrew, homa and pejman
(with someone's hand in the way).


yours truly, after getting my winning streak
wiped out by a computer error.


awwwww... so cute!
homa and andrew, chillin'.


ben, and his triple-X score.


in the neighbouring lane, sham's double strike
in the final frame won him first place.


the scoremasters.


homa had an unquestionable lead for most of the
game, but rené caught up with her in the end.


aref and his supreme court posse
appeared out of the blue!


cell phone antics.


socializing after the game.


In summary, a fun time was had by all - the dinner was filling and quite excellent, the bowling was great, and we even capped the evening with a monstrous snowball fight (not pictured). Rumor has it that Kam schooled y'all at snowballs. A rematch is definitely in order.


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graphic design, photos and text © 2004 dan jones